Stop Influenza with the Power of Normal Saline…

A groundbreaking app on the power of routinely using normal saline to prevent or minimise influenza infections, and much more.

Ella Goods

“I used to get the flu every year, but since using FluStopper I haven't gotten sick once!”

Ella Goods


Quick and convenient

With the FluStopper app, you learn why and how to correctly spray your nose with the normal saline solution. You’ll be done in less than a minute per day using only a small spray bottle containing the solution.
Feature Review

Olivia Milton

Quick and convenient

Personalized for you

The app includes personalisation options and reminders to ensure you stay on track with your flu prevention routine. Feel the difference in a short time. It also shows you how to make normal saline in your own home if there’s no nearby pharmacy. Additionally, getting the app means you join the Flustopper Facebook community with access to articles, podcasts and Q &A sessions.
Personalized for you

"I love how easy and helpful this app is. I recommend it to all my friends and family!"

Dean Vella


What makes this different?
The simple elegance of the body’s own water formula being an antidote to early respiratory infections is simply mind-blowing.
Who is this for?
Studies have shown that those living above sea-level need to humidify the air they breathe. If that is not possible on a continuous basis, then intermittent use of inhaled normal saline is beneficial and minimizes chances of respiratory illnesses.
Does Surfactant make Normal Saline more effective?
Yes. Surfactant is a compound produced by the lungs and biliary organs. It has soapy features so it rinses particles and germs from the nose. Added to Normal Saline, the combined solution is more effective for clearance. In the lungs it causes greater elasticity thereby increasing lung air intake capability. Surfactant in N/S disrupts biofilms, improving the solution’s power.
How much does it cost?

This app is free. As is Facebook community membership. Weekly newsletter, podcasts, and Q & A sessions will attract a small once-off fee of 5USD.

Use FluStopper now and stop influenza in its tracks.

The FluStopper app is backed by multiple scientific studies curated by a registered Rhinologist (nose specialist). Click Get Flustopper if you wish to become an active member, and for other benefits.

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